With Zapier’s editor, you can see your entire workflow displayed like a flow diagram. Whether you want to build complex Zaps or collaborate with a teammate to build them, with all steps shown in a single view, you can easily understand what’s happening within your Zaps.
Editor controls
When you create a Zap, you’ll see several controls within the Visual Editor:
Top menu controls
On the left side of the top menu
- Home icon Zapier home page. : click to return to the
- Automation products icon : links to other products on the Zapier automation platform.
- default Zaps folder. Zaps button: click to return to the
In the sub-menu:
Search bar: allows you to search for a value that occurs in your Zap setup.
- If you're in edit mode, also allows you to replace your search values.
- Toggle switch: allows you to turn the Zap on and off.
Version info:
- After you publish your Zap, it shows which version you’re currently viewing, who created the version, and when it was published.
In the middle of the top menu
A single button containing:
- Your avatar: the avatar you created for your user profile.
Zap name: click to:
- Rename your Zap.
- Duplicate your Zap.
- Export a JSON file of your Zap.
- Export a PNG file of your Zap.
- Create a template of your Zap to share with others.
- Transfer existing data.
- Delete your Zap.
- Draft or Published indicator: displays whether your Zap is currently in edit mode or turned on and view only.
On the right side of the top menu
- Share: allows you to share your Zap with other members of your Team or Company account.
Zoom indicator: click to
- Zoom in: allows you to focus your view on a specific part of the canvas.
- Zoom out: allows you to pull back your view to see more of the canvas.
- Fit to view: adjusts your view to surround the entire Zap.
- Export to image: downloads a .PNG image of your Zap to your desktop.
- Review changes: an outline of the current published Zap version will be displayed next to an outline of your draft version.
- Collapse/expand paths: if there are paths in your Zap, allows you to hide them for a compact view or reveal all steps and nested paths.
- Help icon Zapier Help Center, Zapier Community, Zapier Learn, or Zapier Experts program. : links to the
In the sub-menu:
Edit Zap or publish:
- When you’re editing your Zap, publishes the Zap.
- When your Zap is published, creates a draft in edit mode.
- Run: allows you to manually poll for new data in Zaps that use polling triggers.
Left sidebar controls
- Linked assets Tables and Interfaces used in your Zap. : displays all
- Zap details folder the Zap belongs to, the Zap timezone, and create a Zap template. : allows you to configure the
- Notes Zap note and any step notes you created. : displays the
Change history
- Created.
- Turned off.
- Deleted.
- Owner changed.
- Zap Restored.
- Zap turned on.
- Version published.
- Approval request sent (Enterprise plans).
- Approval request approved (Enterprise plans).
- Approval request denied (Enterprise plans).
- Approval request cancelled (Enterprise plans).
: view and filter a log of any of the following activity in your Zap for a given time period: - Zap runs Zap runs. : displays recent
- Zap status : only appears when you edit your Zap. Shows any issues with your Zap.
- Advanced settings : allows you to configure advanced settings like autoreplay override and polling interval.
- Versions : shows all versions of the Zap.
Right sidebar controls
This is where you set up and view the trigger and action steps in your workflow. It only appears while editing your Zap and once you select a trigger or action step.
- Setup: the app and specific trigger or action used, and the connected app account.
- Configure: the trigger or action step configuration.
- Test: testing your trigger or action step.
After a Zap is published:
- App & event: the app and specific trigger or action used, and the connected app account.
- Step details: an overview of your trigger or action step setup.