Share Zaps and folders with members of your Team or Enterprise account

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If you have a Zapier for Teams or Enterprise account, you can collaborate with other members of your account by sharing Zaps and folders with them. This allows you to share management or your Zaps by allowing other members to view, edit, and delete them.

Create a new shared folder

  1. Go to the Zaps page.
  2. In the upper right, click + Create. A dropdown menu will open.
  3. Select New folder. A dialog box will appear.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for your shared folder.
  5. Select the Share this folder with your teammates checkbox.
    1. This will share the folder with all members of your account.
    2. Once the folder is created, you can change its sharing options to limit who has access.
  6. Click Save. The dialog box will close and you will be redirected to your new folder's page.

Change sharing options in an existing folder

Shared folder Personal folder
  1. In the top right of your folder, click the folder settings menu icon A dropdown menu will open.
  2. Click Share. A dialog box will appear.
  3. In the Share with field, search for and select the user or team you want to share the folder with.
  4. Below the Share with field, all users and teams with whom the folder is shared are displayed.
    1. By default, Everyone is listed, which includes all users in your account.
  5. Click the x next to each user or team you want to stop sharing with.

Share a Zap from within the Zap editor

  1. Open your Zap in the Zap editor.
  2. In the top right corner, click Share.
  3. In the Add people by name, email, or team field, search for and select the user or team you want to share the Zap with.
  4. (Optional) If you want to share all app connections used in the Zap, select the Allow access to the 1 app connection used in this Zap checkbox.
  5. Click Save.


  • The Team Owner, Team Admins, and Folder Creator will always have access to shared Zaps and folders.
    • They will not appear in the list of members available to share the folder with.
  • You cannot share Zaps in private folders.
    • You must move them to a shared folder.
  • After sharing a folder with your team, any user with access to the folder can manage and edit all Zaps in the folder.
  • You cannot convert a shared folder into a personal folder.
    • If you want to stop sharing a Zap, move the individual Zap to another personal folder.
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