Change or cancel your Zapier plan

You can change your Zapier plan at any time. You can:

  • Upgrade to plans with more features.
  • Downgrade to a lower tier. 
  • Change your billing cycle interval.
  • Cancel your Zapier plan.


Change your Zapier plan

Account plan changes can be done at any time. To change your plan:

  1. Visit the Billing and usage page.
  2. Click the Change plan button. 
  3. Select a plan.
  4. Select if you want to pay monthly or annually.
  5. Customize your plan with add-ons.
  6. Select an existing payment method or provide a new one. Learn more about payment methods.
  • Select annual billing to save 33% on the monthly price.
  • Add your tax ID when you upgrade to have it appear on all invoices.


Plan changes on Team or Enterprise plans

Only the account owner can make plan changes on Zapier for Teams plans. On Enterprise plans, the account owner and any super admins can make plan changes. 


Upgrade your plan

When you upgrade your Zapier plan, changes take effect immediately so you can start using your new features. Your account's billing date and number of tasks will reset when you upgrade.

Once you select a new plan, you're charged for the price of the new plan minus any credit from your previous plan. Zapier calculates credits on a per-day basis. If you've enabled pay-per-task billing, any extra tasks you've incurred up to the upgrade will be charged as well. 


Your current plan costs $50 monthly and you decide to upgrade to a plan that costs $80. Since you still have 15 days left in a 30-day month, Zapier will apply $25 in credit to the upgrade and charge your account $55. Zapier will charge the full amount on the next billing date, $80.


Change the billing cycle interval

Zapier offers two billing cycle options: monthly and annually. If you change from one to the other and credits remain from the previous plan, all credits will be applied before a new charge is made.

If you've signed up for any add-ons, their billing cycle will also change.

  • Annual plans offer a 33% discount on monthly prices.
    • If you switch from annual to monthly, you will lose the discount.
  • Monthly billing cycles begin on the day of the month when you last upgraded to monthly billing.
    • You'll be charged at the beginning of your billing cycle.
    • You can view this date on your Billing and usage page.


Downgrade your plan to a lower tier

When you downgrade your plan, changes occur at the end of that monthly or annual billing cycle, depending on your plan's billing cycle. You'll still have access to the features of your current plan until that date. 

You may lose access to certain features when you downgrade to a plan on a lower tier. Learn more about the different plan features on the plans and pricing page.

Stop a downgrade

If you downgrade your account and then change your mind, you can return to your current plan any time before the end of the billing cycle. To cancel an upcoming downgrade:

  1. Visit the Billing and usage page
  2. On the banner that shows the downgrade date, click Cancel downgrade. Your account will stay on the current plan.


Cancel your plan

You can cancel your plan anytime from the Billing and usage page

  • Click the Change plan button. 
  • Select Zapier's Free plan. 

The change will take effect at the end of the current billing cycle, and you will no longer be charged for the plan. You may still receive charges for pay-per-task usage from the current billing cycle. 

If you decide to cancel your Zapier service by downgrading to the free plan, you still have access to the product until the end of that billing cycle. Zapier subscriptions are non-refundable, subject to applicable local law.

Paid features

When you cancel a paid Zapier plan, some of your Zaps might be paused:

You can also delete your Zapier account once you cancel your plan. To reactivate your paid account, re-select a Zapier plan

Plans with pay-per-task charges

If you activated pay-per-task billing, you may receive charges related to extra tasks after canceling.

  • Monthly billing: You may see charges for extra tasks at the end of the last billing cycle.
  • Annual billing: Pay-per-task billing is charged monthly, so you will see a charge at the end of the last month in which your account used extra tasks.


Canceling your paid Zapier account does not affect existing add-ons, as you can only cancel one plan at a time. Learn more about canceling a Zapier add-on.

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