How to pay for your Zapier account

Zapier offers different payment options depending on the currency selected or the country where you are located.

miscEye icon Note

When using currencies other than USD (US dollars), the exact payment amount may differ on invoices. The actual price is calculated using the exchange rate at the time of payment.


Payment methods

You can pay for your Zapier account with the following methods:

Payment method Location available Currency
Credit card All countries USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, PLN, SEK, NOK, DKK, CHF, HKD, SGD, ILS, JPY, INR, BRL, MXN, ZAR or NZD
PayPal All countries where PayPal offers this service USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, PLN, SEK, NOK, DKK, CHF, HKD, SGD, ILS, JPY, BRL, MXN, or NZD
ACH Banks located in the United States USD
Invoicing* All countries USD

*Invoicing is only available for customers on an Enterprise plan. To learn more, visit Zapier for Enterprise.

miscEye icon Note

If you use PayPal, a bank or credit card must be available in the account even if paying with your existing balance, as PayPal requires a backup funding method.


Set Zapier up as a vendor

If you need to set up Zapier as a vendor for your company, you can get all the necessary business information and relevant documents from the article Zapier's vendor information.


3D Secure verification step

When adding card details, your bank or card issuer may ask you to complete an extra verification step (3D Secure) for fraud prevention. This may be through your bank's app, a code sent by text message, email, or authenticator app. A popup will show instructions on how to complete the 3D Secure verification.

If this step isn't completed, you will see an error message. You can then try the same card again or use a different card.


If a payment fails, you can retry it on the Billing and usage page. Learn more about retrying payments.  

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