How pay-per-task billing works in Zapier

Pay-per-task billing allows you to keep running your business-critical Zaps even if you’ve reached your plan’s task limit. Once you enable pay-per-task billing, it starts automatically when your task usage exceeds your plan's task limit. Access to this feature may differ if your account is on an older pricing plan. You can update your plan option to access this feature.


Pay-per-task billing is only available on paid Zapier plans.


How pay-per-task billing works

At the end of your monthly billing cycle (when your task limit resets), Zapier charges you for all tasks that exceed your plan limit during that cycle. Each extra task is charged on a per-task basis, at a rate of 1.25 times your plan's task cost. This charge is separate from your monthly or annual plan charges. If you’re on an annual plan, Zapier will charge you monthly for any tasks used over your plan limit during a billing cycle.

You can see the amount of extra tasks used in the Billing and usage page

Limit on pay-per-task usage

Zaps will stop running if your account reaches the maximum pay-per-task usage amount. This is set at 3 times your plan's task limit. You can learn more about how task usage is measured in Zapier.

How to get access to pay-per-task billing

Pay-per-task billing starts automatically once you hit your plan's task limit and is enabled by default. In some cases, you may need to opt into it before it can be used. To get this feature:

  1. Visit the Billing and usage page of your account.
  2. Click the Enable pay-per-task button.
  3. Click Update your plan.

Only the owner and super admins can enable and disable pay-per-task.

If you have any questions or need assistance with updating your plan, contact Zapier Support.

If you need help deciding which task tier is right for you, contact our sales team or find out how to select the right plan.

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