Review Zap details

The Zap Details page provides information about your Zap. To access Zap Details for a Zap, click the info iconAlert: info in:

Zap details information

Zap details

On the main Zap Details page, you’ll see basic information about the Zap:

  • The name of the Zap. You can also rename the Zap here.
  • Whether the Zap is currently on or off. To change the Zap’s state, click to toggle the switch.
  • The user that owns the Zap.
  • The folder that the Zap is located in.

You can do the following for the Zap:

  • To see a visual representation of the steps in your Zap, click View steps.
  • To edit your Zap in the Zap editor, click View in Editor.
  • To move your Zap to another folder, click Move to folder.
  • To manually run your Zap if it uses a polling trigger, click Run.
  • To transfer ownership of your Zap to another member of your account (Team and Enterprise plans only), click Change owner.
  • To create a JSON file of your Zap’s data, click Export JSON. You can use this file as a backup of your Zap. If you share the file with other users, they can import the JSON file into their Zapier account in their data management settings.
  • To share a copy of your Zap with other users, click Share with others.
  • To delete your Zap, click Move to Trash.


In the Overview section, you’ll see meta information about the Zap:

  • Timezone: the timezone that your Zap is set to.
  • Published: the date and time the Zap was last edited.
  • Connected apps: a list of app connections that are used in the Zap.
  • Member access: a list of the account members that can access the Zap (Team and Enterprise plans only).

Task usage

The Run actions tab shows a graph of all action steps that have run in a given time period and their statuses in a given time period. Statuses:

  • Success: indicates that the Zap completed the action step.
  • Skipped: indicates that the Zap skipped the action step. This may be because:
    • A Filter or Path condition wasn't met.
    • The action step required info from a previous step but the previous step didn't return that info.
  • Error: indicates that the Zap encountered an error, so the action step failed.

The Tasks tab shows a graph of the Zap’s task usage in a given time period.

Zap runs

In the Zap runs section, you’ll see the status of each time the Zap ran. You can click into a specific Zap run to view the details of that run.

Change history

In the Change history section, you’ll see a log of any of the following activity in your Zap for a given time period:

  • Turned on or off.
  • Created.
  • Discarded.
  • Change in Zap ownership.

You can also view your Zap’s change history in the editor.

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