Cancel your Zapier for Teams plan

You can cancel or downgrade your Zapier for Teams plan at any time. When you cancel or downgrade from a Teams plan, you’ll lose access to its features at the end of the billing cycle. Once the billing cycle ends, your account will still exist and can be used, but you won’t be able to share your Zaps or connected accounts with your team.


Cancel or downgrade your Team plan

You can cancel or downgrade from the pricing page by selecting a new plan. To cancel, select the Free plan. The plan change will take effect at the end of the billing cycle.

Plans with pay-per-task charges

If your account used any extra task after your plan's limit is reached, you may receive these charges after canceling.

    • Monthly billing: You may see charges for extra tasks at the end of the last billing cycle.
    • Yearly billing: As pay-per-task billing is charged monthly, you will see a charge at the end of the last month in which your account used extra tasks.

If you downgrade to a different plan, you may lose access to certain features. Learn more about the different plan features on the plans and pricing page.


What happens when you cancel or downgrade a Team plan

Team owners

  • Account data: You will not lose any data, as your private account will still be active. After you downgrade your Teams plan, you can view and change your billing settings.
  • Shared folders: You and your team members will still have read-only access to your team's shared folders. However, the Zaps cannot be turned on or edited. You can move your Zaps into your private folders or your personal account.
  • Private folders: As the team owner, your private folders will remain accessible and unchanged. Your team members will have read-only access to their private folders so their Zaps can be moved to their personal accounts.
  • Your Zaps: We'll move your personal Zaps to the private folder in your team account. You can run Zaps in the private folder but not in the shared folder.
  • Your team members: Members will only have read-only access to their private Zaps. They'll continue to have access to their personal account. They will not be able to run Zaps in your team folders, but they can move these Zaps to their personal account to run them.
  • Connected accounts: All shared connections will be disconnected. If you want to run a Zap using one of these accounts, you'll need to reconnect your personal connection or re-upgrade to the Teams plan.
  • Invites: You can no longer invite team members, but you can still remove them from your team.
  • Billing: Your team account will be downgraded to your previous plan. Usage by team members will no longer be covered by the team account.
  • Two-factor authentication: You'll be able to use the same two-factor authentication to connect to your personal account.

Team members

  • Shared folders: You'll still have access to your team folders and you can rename them, but you won't be able to create or share new ones. Your Zaps will also be paused and cannot be enabled in your team account.
  • Private folders: You will have read-only access to your private folders. You can move your Zaps to your personal account.
  • Connected accounts: All shared connections will be disconnected. If you want to run a Zap using one of these accounts, you'll need to reconnect your personal connection.
  • Invites: You will not be able to invite new team members.
  • Billing: You'll be downgraded to your previous plan. The team account will no longer cover your usage.


Learn more about the features available on different paid plans. If you have further questions on your billing plan, you can contact Zapier support.

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