Create views in Zapier Tables

Views in Zapier Tables display subsets of a table's data. When you create a table, you are looking at the default view. By using views, you can filter specific records and hide fields without affecting the default view. This can be useful if you want specific users to only have access to part of the data. Learn how to create a table.

Create a view

All tables have a default view. When you create a new view, its name appears at the top left corner of the screen.

To add a new view:

  1. From the Tables home, click the table name
  2. On the left sidebar, click the Views icon .
  3. The Views sidebar will open. Click Create View.
  4. Fill out the View Name field. You can also add a description.
  5. Click Create.


Change what the view shows

Once the view is created, you can change visible information in it by:


All views are connected to the default view. Editing a record or field in one view will change it in all views.



Only the owner of a table and users with the role "Editor" can create and edit views. If you share a view with someone using the "View only" role, the person will not have access to other views or the original table. Learn more about Tables permissions.


Users with "Editor" role can make changes to records, and these changes will affect other views.

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