Manage your Zapier account profile

Your Zapier account profile consists of basic data about you, including your name, profile picture, company, role, and timezone. In your profile settings, you can manage the following:

  • Name: the first name (required) and last name (optional) used in your Zapier account.
  • Profile picture: Zapier uses Gravatar to set your profile picture. Gravatar is a service that associates an avatar image with your email address across the web. To update or change your profile picture, change your Gravatar image.
  • Company and role: optional fields you can add to your profile. Zapier uses this information to recommend Zaps and apps to you based on what others in similar industries and roles use.
  • Timezone: used to display and interpret times in Zapier. For example, the time displayed for each Zap run in Zap History is in your account timezone. This defaults to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) if no timezone is set here.

Change your email address

If you used your Google account to sign up for Zapier, you must create a new password and disconnect your Google account before you can change your account email address.

  1. Go to your My Profile page.
  2. In the Email field, click Change email. You will be redirected to the Change Email page.
  3. Click Confirm it’s you. You will be redirected to a login page.
  4. Enter your original email address, then click Continue to proceed to the next page.
  5. Enter your password. You will be redirected back to the Change Email page.
    1. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you will be directed to a new page to enter your six-digit Authentication Code before you can continue.
  6. In the New Email field, enter the new email address you want to use.
  7. Click Save Changes.
  8. A confirmation email will be sent to this new email address.
  9. Ensure you are logged in to your current Zapier account in the same browser, then click the Confirm your email link in the email to confirm the email address change.
  10. You’ll be redirected to the Zapier login page. When prompted, log in using your new email address.

Once you’ve changed your email address, Zapier will send all communication to the new email address.


  • You can only use your email address with a single Zapier account.
  • When you confirm your email address, you must be logged in to your account with your current Zapier login in the same browser. Otherwise, a separate account may be created.
  • Your email address will not change until you click the link in the confirmation email.

Change your password

You can change your existing Zapier account password for security reasons, reset your password if you forget it, or create a new password.

Change an existing password

If you log into Zapier with your email address and password and want to change your password:

  • Go to your password settings.
  • In the Verify Current Password field, enter your current password.
  • In the New Password field, enter your new password.
  • In the Confirm New Password field, enter your new password again.
  • Click Save changes.

Reset your password

If you forget your password, you can reset it:

  • Go to your password settings.
  • Click Request a new password here.
  • A new browser tab or window will open. In the Email field, enter your email address.
  • Click Send reset instructions.
  • Go to your email inbox and open the email.
  • Click the link in the email to create a new password.
  • The password reset link is valid for 24 hours. Once you reset your password, the link will no longer be valid.
  • If you decide to keep your current password, you can use the password reset cancelation link in the email.
  • If you used your Google account to sign up for Zapier, you won’t have a password tied to your Zapier account. To create a new password, follow the instructions to reset your password.

To further secure your Zapier account, you can set up two-factor authentication.

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