When errors occur in your Zaps, Zapier will send notifications to your Zapier account email address by default.
Zapier will not send any error notification emails when an error handler runs.
Default alert notifications
Available on plans:
You can control when and how you get notified when a Zap errors. To manage your default Zap error notifications:
- In your Zapier settings, select Notifications from the left sidebar.
- Select Default alert notifications.
- In the Zap alert section under Errored runs, click the Frequency dropdown menu and select an option:
- Immediately: receive a notification for each error that occurs in a Zap trigger or action. This is the default.
- Hourly summary: at the top of the hour, receive a summary of any errors that occurred in the past hour. You will not receive an email if there were no errors in the past hour.
- Never: you won’t receive any notifications. This is not recommended. If you select this option, you must click Confirm to finish setting up the custom notification rule.
Override alert notifications
Available on plans:
You can replace your default Zap error notification rule for a given Zap. You can set up custom notification rules for any Zaps that are shared with you, even if you don’t own the Zap.
- In your Zapier settings, select Notifications from the left sidebar.
- Select Override alert notifications.
- In the top right, click Create override.
- Click the Select a Zap input box, then search for and select a Zap.
- In the Zap alert section under Errored runs, click the Send Alerts on failed trigger dropdown menu and select an option:
- Immediately: receive a notification for each error that occurs in a Zap trigger or action. This is the default.
- Hourly summary: at the top of the hour, receive a summary of all errors that occurred in the past hour. You will not receive an email if there were no errors in the past hour.
- Never: you won’t receive any notifications. This is not recommended. If you select this option, you must click Confirm to finish setting up the custom notification rule.
- You cannot set up custom notifications while you are on a Zapier trial.
- Super Admins and Owners in Team and Enterprise accounts can set up custom notifications for any Zap in their account.
Default notification frequency
This feature is in alpha release and only available to invited participants. This feature is in active development and may change.
Available on plans:
You can control when and how you get notified when a Zap errors. To manage your default Zap error notifications:
- In your Zapier settings, select Notifications from the left sidebar.
- Select My notification settings. You will be redirected to a new page.
- Under the Default notification frequency section, click the dropdown menu to expand it.
- Select an option:
- Immediately: receive an email notification for each error when it occurs. This is the default.
- Immediately, then hourly summary: receive an email notification for each error when it occurs, plus a notification at the top of each hour with a summary of all errors that have occurred since the last summary notification. You will not receive an email if there were no errors in the past hour.
- Hourly summary: at the top of the hour, receive a summary of any errors that occurred in the past hour. You will not receive an email if there were no errors in the past hour.
- Never: you will not receive any notifications. This is not recommended.
Custom notifications
Available on plans:
You can also override your default Zap error notification rule for specific Zaps that you own or are shared with you.
- In your Zapier settings, select Notifications from the left sidebar.
- Select My notification settings. You will be redirected to a new page.
- In the Custom notifications section, click + Add notification. A dialog box will appear.
- Under the 1. Select Zaps and folders section, click the input box. A dropdown menu will appear.
- In the input box, search for the Zaps you want to create custom notifications for, then select the checkbox next to each one.
- You can search by the name of the Zap or the name of the folder it’s located in.
- After selecting one or more Zaps, you can continue to search for and select more. In the bottom left of the dialog box, you’ll see a count of how many Zaps are selected.
- Pills will appear below the input box, allowing you to filter results as you search.
- Click Next to proceed to the next step.
- Under the 2. Select notification frequency section, click the dropdown menu to expand it.
- Select an option:
- Immediately: receive an email notification for each error when it occurs. This is the default.
- Immediately, then hourly summary: receive an email notification for each error when it occurs, plus a notification at the top of each hour with a summary of all errors that have occurred since the last summary notification. You will not receive an email if there were no errors in the past hour.
- Hourly summary: at the top of the hour, receive a summary of any errors that occurred in the past hour. You will not receive an email if there were no errors in the past hour.
- Never: you will not receive any notifications. This is not recommended.
- Click Add to notifications to save.
- You cannot set up custom notifications while you are on a Zapier trial.
- Super Admins and Owners in Team and Enterprise accounts can set up custom notifications for any Zap in their account.
View all issues on the Alerts page
Available on plans:
The Alerts page shows you all Zaps that have had issues within the last 7 days (you can adjust the filter to a maximum of 30 days). To help triage and prioritize issues, disconnected apps will always display a Critical priority. You can also filter alerts based on a specific time period and whether the issue is due to an errored, halted, held, or broken authentication status, or due to the Zap being turned off.
Review alert info
You can click the settings icon to:
- View the app connection in the Apps page.
- Hide the alert.
- Click Reconnect to reconnect the app to Zapier.
You can see more info about the issue by clicking the arrow icon
at the left end of the alert.For Zaps, you can see:
- The affected Zap.
- The issue that caused the alert.
- How many times the issue occurred.
- When the issue occurred.
- The folder the Zap is located in.
- The owner of the Zap.
- The type of issue.
- A link to view the run in the Zap editor.
For app connections, you can see:
- The affected app.
- The issue that caused the alert.
- When the issue occurred.
- The owner of the affected app connection.
- The alert priority.
- The name of the affected app connection.
- How many Zaps are affected by the app connection issue.
- A link to reconnect the app.
You can manage your Zapier Manage alerts and other email subscriptions from the Email subscriptions page.
Learn more about how to troubleshoot errors in Zapier. If you’re not sure why you received a particular error message, or are unable to troubleshoot an error on your own, contact support for further assistance.