When you create a new Zapier account, you have 14 days to try all of Zaps paid features, including:
- Premium apps, such as PayPal and Facebook Lead Ads.
- Multi-step Zaps (workflows with more than one action step).
- Filtering and logic with Filter and Paths.
- Use of 1,000 tasks.
- Unlimited Zaps.
- 2 minute polling trigger intervals.
- Webhooks.
- Formatter.
- Version History and rollback.
This free trial is similar to Zaps’ Pro plan but with fewer tasks and no Autoreplay feature.
Only the first 30 steps will run when the Zap is turned on, even if there are additional steps.
Trial extensions
The free trial lasts for 14 days. If your trial has ended but you were not able to use it during that time period, contact Zapier support to request a trial extension.
Trial expiration
If you decide not to upgrade at the end of your trial, Zapier will automatically downgrade your account to a Free plan. Zaps with the following features will be turned off if you stay on the Free plan:
- Zaps with more than 2 steps (multi-step Zaps).
- Zaps that use Premium apps.
- Zaps that use Paths.
Any Zaps that use a polling trigger will run at 15-minute intervals instead of 2-minute intervals. You will lose access to all Premium account features. Learn more about all Zapier’s plans and features on the pricing page.
Zapier for Teams trial
Zapier for Teams trials include all features available on paid individual plans, plus additional Team plan features like:
- 1 minute polling trigger intervals.
- Unlimited users.
- User roles and permissions.
- Shared app connections.
- Shared workspace.
If you’re on a paid plan, your task limit remains the same during the Team plan trial. If you’re on a Free plan, 1,000 tasks are added to your account during the trial. Zapier for Teams trials expire after 14 days.
If you add your credit card information during your trial, your account will auto-upgrade to the Team plan at the end of your trial unless you explicitly opt out. To opt out of auto-upgrade:
- Click the Edit trial payment settings in the banner at the top of your account.
- You will be redirected to the Billing and Usage page where you can select a different plan.