Add a billing or IT contact to your account

During checkout, you can add additional billing and IT contacts to your Zapier account. This ensures the right people are contacted about the specific aspects of the account. Adding another email address as a billing or IT contact does not give them access to your Zapier account. 


Add a billing or IT contact

By default, the account owner's email will be used as the contact for all areas. However, you can assign that role to another person when you change or upgrade your plan, for any Zapier product. To do this:

  • On the last step of the checkout process, clear the checkbox for I am the billing contact or I am the IT contact, or both. 
  • When you clear a checkbox, a text field appears where you can add their email address. Enter the email address in the field.
  • Click Save.
  • If you haven't yet, select your payment method and enter your billing information.
  • Click Pay now.



Update a contact email address

Your billing and IT contact emails do not appear on your account. If you need to update the address for one of them, contact your Customer Service Manager or Zapier Support.

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