Understand how your Zapier Agents usage is measured


This product is in open beta. It’s available for use but still in active development and may change.

Your Zapier Agents usage is measured by the number of activities your agents use and limited by the plan you choose. This guide will explain how billing and usage cycles work and what is considered an agent activity.


What is an activity?

An activity is any billable action that your agent takes. Each time one of the following happens in Zapier Agents, it's counted as one activity:

  • An agent uses a trigger.
  • The agent answers a question using a data source.
  • The agent runs an action.
  • The agent performs a web browsing or scraping request.
  • The agent performs a web search.
  • You send a message to an agent using the Chrome Extension.

This also applies to triggers, actions and data sources used within behaviors.

  • Testing a behavior does not count as an activity.
  • Using activities does not affect your Zapier task usage.



Example 1 - using the agent directly

You have an agent with a behavior that runs once a day and does the following:

  • Checks your email inbox for a specific keyword.
  • Summarizes each email that contains that keyword.
  • Runs an action that adds each as a new task on your Trello board.
  • Runs another action to send you a message on Slack about the new tasks.

Each morning, if only one email is found, this action will count as four activities. If two emails with the specific keyword are found, then this action will count as seven activities. The first check would bring both emails, so it would not be run twice.


Example 2 - using the agent through the Chrome extension

You navigate to a LinkedIn profile and send a message to your agent through Zapier Agents's Chrome extension. This triggers a behavior that does the following:

  • The agent uses the information in the profile to determine whether a person's current company is already on the list within your data source
  • If it's not in the data source, the agent then does a web search for more information on the company.
  • Finally, the agent runs an action that adds new company information to your data source.


Case 1 - The company is already in the data source

If the company is already in the data source, this process counts as three activities:

  1. Send a message through the Chrome extension.
  2. Trigger a behavior.
  3. Search for an answer within the data source.


Case 2 - The company is not in the data source

However, if the company is not there, it counts as five activities:

  1. Send a message through the Chrome extension.
  2. Trigger a behavior.
  3. Search for an answer within the data source.
  4. Search the web for information on the company.
  5. Runs an action that adds new information to the data source.


Available activities per plan

Each Zapier Agents plan offers a different level of activity and amount of data that can be stored for data sources. Learn more about the different Zapier Agents plans.


If you have a Team or Enterprise Zapier account, all the users on your account will share a pool of activities. For example, if you have an Agents Pro plan, your account members will share 1,500 activities across all the agents they create.


Activity and billing cycles

The number of available activities resets at the end of your billing cycle and lasts for a month. You'll have access to the activities included in your plan each cycle, and this limit resets on the same date every month.

The billing cycle is defined by the date when you signed up for your account. If you signed up on the 10th of January, for example, your usage will reset every month on the 10th. This applies to both monthly and annual plans. 

You can upgrade to a paid Zapier Agents account at any time. When you upgrade from a free account to a paid one, the date when you upgrade becomes your new billing cycle date and your activity limit is reset at that moment. 

What happens if I reach the activity limit?

If you reach your plan's activity limit:

  • Your behaviors will no longer run.
  • You will not be able to use any actions.
  • The agent will not be able to browse or scrape web pages.
  • The agent will not run web searches.
  • Your agents will not receive trigger events from any apps.
  • Your agents will not be able to find data on your data sources.
  • Your agent will not be available through the Chrome extension.

You can still chat with your agent even if you reach the activity limit. Zapier will email you once you reach 80% of your activity limit and again once you reach your full limit. 


Rate limits in Zapier Agents

All agents in an account are subject to an account-wide rate limit of 500 activities per 24-hour period. If you are experiencing issues because of this limit, contact the Zapier Agents team to request an increase.


Manage your usage

Zapier Agents displays your activity usage in the left sidebar of the main screen. Hover over the sidebar to see the number of activities used in the current billing cycle.

To view the number of activities broken down by source:

  • Hover over the left sidebar and click Data usage
  • Click the Activities tab.


If you're a member of a Team or Enterprise account, the Activities counter you see is for the entire account. However, the Data usage page will only display activities related to your own behaviors, actions, and data sources.


Manage your billing

Zapier Agents is billed as an add-on to your Zapier account. Learn how add-ons work, including how they appear on your invoices and how you can cancel an add-on. 


If you have a Zapier Enterprise account:

  • An admin or the account owner must visit https://agents.zapier.com to enable account-wide access to Zapier Agents.
  • Zapier Agents does not support app and action restrictions that you may have enabled in your account. 

Provide feedback and get help

Submit a feature request, provide feedback on existing features, or get help from the Zapier Agents team. You can also discuss Agents with other users on Zapier's Early Access Program Slack.

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