Zapier Canvas quick start guide


Zapier Canvas is a beta product/feature. It’s available for use, but still in active development and may change.

Canvas is a tool that helps you visualize and organize full business processes. You can structure both manual and automated steps, with Zaps, Chatbots, Tables and Interfaces, and many other apps. You can also share processes and invite team members to collaborate.


Create a canvas

From the Canvas home:

  1. Click + Create. A dialog box will appear.
  2. Select how you want to create your new canvas:
    • Start with AI: describe a process you want to create, and AI will create a canvas for it, using Zapier Tables, Interfaces, Zaps, and other apps.
    • Start from scratch or template: start with a blank canvas or use one of the existing templates.


Add more steps

You can add new steps to a canvas by clicking the icon that appears whenever you hover over an existing step. 

You can also add split paths, which connect one step to multiple outcomes, text boxes, and steps using Zaps, Zapier Tables, Chatbots, or Interfaces. To create these steps, click any of the options in the Basic menu at the bottom of the canvas, and then click an empty area of the canvas.

Learn about the different step types in Canvas.


Connect steps

The Connector tool, which appears at the bottom of the canvas screen, allows you to connect existing steps. When you click on this tool, small dots appear on each side of all steps. Click any dot and drag it to a dot on another step to connect them with arrows.


Move steps

You can move steps by clicking on the step border, using either the Select or Hand tool. When you move it to a new position, any connector lines will move with the step.


Group steps

You can use the Group tool to select specific steps and group them. Learn how to use the Group tool.


Add text

You can add boxes with text anywhere on your canvas, with the Text tool. To add a new text box:

  1. Click the Text icon at the bottom of the canvas.
  2. Click anywhere on the canvas to place the box.
  3. Enter the text.

You can change the text's size and style using the text formatting toolbar.


You can also add comments and mention other users in your canvas.



You can use the zoom controls at the top left of the screen to zoom in and out and to fit the process to the page, or use the keyboard shortcuts:

  • Zoom out: 
    • Mac: ⌘ Cmd -
    • Windows: Ctrl -
  • Zoom in: 
    • Mac: ⌘ Cmd +
    • Windows: Ctrl +
  • Fit to page:
    • Mac: ⌥ Option 1
    • Windows: Alt 1

You can see the full list of keyboard shortcuts by clicking on the Help icon on the top right of your canvas screen.


Clean up the layout

You can automatically organize existing steps by using the Clean up layout shortcut:

  • Mac: ⌘ Cmd Shift Y
  • Windows: Ctrl Shift Y

This will straighten connectors and put steps in order based on how they are connected and the process' starting point. 

You can also select specific steps for clean-up by using the Select tool and dragging the cursor over the steps you want to organize. You'll see a button named Clean up layout for selected steps.


Comments and text boxes will not be moved when you use the Clean up layout button.



Once you start building your process, Canvas can recommend steps that could be automated. Click the Recommendations icon on the left navigation bar.

When you click Get recommendations, Canvas will review the existing steps and suggest Zaps that could automate parts of the process. After it runs, it will display the title of each recommendation on the summary panel. 

  • Click on the recommendation's title to see details of the workflow.
  • Click Create this Zap to automatically create the Zap. 

You can also get recommendations for a specific set of steps by using the Select tool and dragging the cursor over the steps you want.


Share and collaborate on processes

With Zapier Canvas, you can share the structure of your process with anyone, as a PNG file. You can also give other Zapier account team members access to collaborate on developing the process. Learn how to share and collaborate.


Delete a step

To delete a step:

  1. Click the step.
  2. Click Details.
  3. A sidebar will open. Click  Remove.

Only the selected step is deleted. Any steps that were attached to it will be attached to another step. 


You can also select a step, or multiple steps, and then use the delete or backspace keyboard key to delete.


Delete a canvas

From the Canvas home:

  1. Click the three dot icon beside the canvas' name.
  2. Click Delete. This action cannot be undone.


Data retention

Zapier's Data Retention, deletion, and export practices vary depending on the product. Learn more about the specific guidelines for the product you're using.


Provide feedback and get help

You can request a feature, provide feedback on the product, and get help from the Canvas team.


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