Translate text in Zaps

You can use Translate by Zapier to detect languages or translate words, phrases, and web pages into over 100 languages.

miscEye icon Note

Translate by Zapier can only translate 1,000 characters at a time.

1. Add a translation step to your Zap

  • Click the Action step, or click the plus + icon to add a step to your Zap.
  • Search for and select Translate by Zapier.
  • Click the Event dropdown menu and select Translate Text or Detect Language.
  • Click Continue.


2. (Optional) Set up your "Translate Text" step

  • (Optional) If you want the Zap to use the same source language each time it runs, click the Source Language dropdown and select the language of the original source text. If this is left blank, the Zap will try to guess the source language.
  • In the Text field, select the data from a previous step to translate.
  • Click the Target Language dropdown menu and select the language to translate the text to.
  • Click Continue
  • Click Test step. You’ll see the translation of your text to the target language.
ratingStar icon Tip

If you need to update the Target Language field dynamically, you can click the Custom tab and select a field from a previous step. Translate by Zapier uses the two-letter ISO 639 format for language codes.

If your previous step encodes the language in another format, you can add a lookup table to match the language to the corresponding ISO 639 code.


3. (Optional) Set up your "Detect Language" step

  • In the Text field, select the data from a previous step to detect the language for.
  • Click Continue.
  • Click Test step. You’ll see the detected language's two-letter code in ISO 639 format and the confidence level (between 0 and 1). 1 represents 100% confidence with the detection result.

Once you've set up the Translate step, you can use the result of the step in further actions in your Zap.

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