As of October 1, 2021, the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) new rules for all recurring payments that use India Bank cards went into effect. Additional approvals are now required for any auto-renew transaction over 5,000 Indian Rupees (INR).
At this time, any recurring transaction over 5,000 INR may be declined. Zapier is working on a long-term solution in accordance with the framework for processing recurring online transactions.
How do I pay for a declined invoice?
If your payment was declined, you can retry it at any time. To retry a payment:
- Go to Billing and usage.
- In the Payment information section, an alert will display two buttons. You can:
- Click Pay invoice to retry your current payment method.
- Click Update your payment information to edit the information before retrying.
- Once you click Pay invoice, you'll be shown the amount to be charged.
- Click Pay now.
- Complete the 3D Secure verification.
If your card requires additional security authentication (3D Secure), you will be prompted to complete that verification step before being charged.
For additional help, please contact Zapier Support.