How to Get Started with Translate by Zapier

To get started with Translate by Zapier, search for and select the Translate app:

Translate by Zapier: Search

Then, select your Trigger:

Translate by Zapier: Triggers

Translation Options

Insert the field you want to translate from a previous Trigger or Action here, and the language you want it translated into (you can also enter text if you always want to translate the same thing into different languages):

Translate by Zapier: Fields

By default, this Action will make the best guess as to the language of your input, but if the text you’re translating may have a mix different languages, it can be useful to force a Source language. To do this, select your language like this:

Translate by Zapier: Source override

Once you've filled out those fields, you can continue to set up the Action and then test it out to make sure everything is working as you expected. If all looks good, we'll let you know so you can continue with your Zap.

Translate by Zapier: confirmed

You will then be able to insert the translated text in subsequent Actions as you would any other variable:

Translate by Zapier: Insertion

Language codes

Translate by Zapier uses the two-letter ISO 639 format for languages.

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