Connect to Google Ads on Zapier
Google Ads uses Oauth to authenticate your account on Zapier.
- Log into Google Ads to authenticate.
- Grant Zapier permission to access your account if prompted to.
- Google Ads is a premium app available on Zapier's Professional plan and higher.
- However, for eligible users, you can use Google Ads for free on Zapier for 6 months. This offer is available to both paid and free Zapier plan users. Learn more about this offer.
About Google Ads's app
Are self-hosted or cloud-hosted accounts supported? | Cloud-hosted accounts | |
Is a paid Google Ads plan required? | Yes | Custom Matched Audiences have a minimum of $50k in ad spend. View Google Ads’s plans. |
Are any special account permissions required? | Yes |
Are there usage limits? | Yes | 60 API requests per minute. Learn more about Google Ads’ usage limits. |
Are there pagination limits? | Yes | 10,000 rows per page. Learn more about Google Ads’ pagination limits. |
Do trigger samples use real data from your account or generic data? | Not applicable | |
Are custom fields supported? | Yes | |
Do update actions overwrite or append to existing data? | Overwrite | |
Is there any additional info? | Yes |
Does Zapier hash data before sending it to Google Ads? | Yes | Zapier hashes (using SHA256) any email, phone number, first name, or last name values for the following Google Ads actions, before sending to Google Ads: