How to Get Started with Amazon Relational Database (RDS) on Zapier

When you start creating an Amazon Relational Database (RDS) Zap, you will be asked to connect your Amazon Relational Database (RDS) account.

Click to connect Amazon Relational Database (RDS)

Next, you'll be asked to enter your Amazon Relational Database (RDS) API key.

Amazon Relational Database (RDS) API Key

To locate your API Key in your Amazon Relational Database (RDS) account, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your app. This key should be restricted to the resources you wish to use with Zapier. We recommend you create a new user in the IAM console 
  2. Click "My Security Credentials"
  3. Click "Create access key"
  4. Copy the "API Access Key ID" and "AWS Secret Access Key" to your clipboard

Amazon Relational Database (RDS) API Key in account

Paste your key back into your Zapier account and then “Continue.”

If all steps were successful your Amazon Relational Database (RDS) account will now be successfully connected.

Amazon Relational Database (RDS) connection successful

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