Yes, you can create a Team or Enterprise account using your existing personal account. Once you join, you can easily move Zaps between your accounts.
Team owner accounts
If you upgrade to a Team plan or Enterprise plan, Zapier converts your personal account to a team account. You will no longer have access to a separate personal account.
Team members manually added to your account
If you manually add a member to your team account and they already have a personal account, they can switch between accounts:
- Click their avatar in the top right menu.
- Select the account that they want to use.
Zapier will remember the last account you used and default to that account the next time you log in.
Any Zaps created in a member's personal account won't be available in the team account. The member will need to move the Zap into the team account first.
Team members also have a private folder within team accounts. Other team members can't access Zaps in a private folder. They can only access another member's Zaps if they're in a shared folder.
Team members added to your account via SCIM
If you add a member to your team account using SCIM, they'll only have a team account. They won't have a separate personal account.