Zapier Tables: find record actions are slow or time out


When you use either of the Zapier Tables find record actions in your Zap, it shows a 504 (server timeout) error or is slow to finish the Zap run. You may see this error when setting up a Zap or in the details of a Zap run in your Zap history.


This can happen if you have a large number of records on a table and your table uses a filter that searches for a range of values, such as:

  • Is greater than or equal to
  • Is greater than
  • Is less than or equal to
  • Is less than
  • Is between
  • Is on or after
  • Is after
  • Is before
  • Is on or before


How to fix it

  • Use the "Is exactly” filter operator: To refine your search query in your Find Record step, use the “Is exactly” operator.
  • Sort the filtered column: If you cannot add a filter with the “Is exactly” operator to your Zap, optimize loading times by sorting the column used in your Find Record step.
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