Webhooks by Zapier rate limits

When you use Webhooks by Zapier in Zaps, if a large number of actions occur within a short time span, they will be throttled (rate limited) to reduce their frequency. 

Rate limits exist to ensure Zapier’s and the app’s infrastructure can efficiently serve all customers.

miscEye icon Note

Zap steps that use other apps may have different rate limits. Learn more about throttling and rate limits for Zaps.

Rate limits

You will see a 429 status code if you exceed these limits:

  • 10,000 requests every 5 minutes per user.
  • 1,000 requests every 5 minutes per Zap in legacy webhook routes (without a Zapier user ID in the URL).
    • This includes subscriptions and REST webhooks.

Delayed processing

During periods of high webhook activity, Zapier may return a 200 status code but delay webhook processing by several minutes.

If you want to ensure delivery of webhooks:

  • Retry delivery on any step that does not have a 200 status code from Zapier. 
  • Use industry-standard exponential backoff interval for retries.

What happens if I exceed the limit

If a Zap step exceeds rate limits, you can:

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