Request tax exemption for your account

If you believe your account should be exempt from tax, you can send the appropriate documentation as evidence to our Support team. To request tax exemption:


1. Add your tax or VAT ID to your Zapier account

You must have tax details in your Zapier account to request tax exemption. You can add those details to the billing and usage settings of your account. Learn how to add your tax or VAT ID


2. Verify what documentation you should submit

Once you have your tax or VAT ID added to your account, check the table below to see what documentation is accepted for your jurisdiction. If your form allows it, make sure to fill out the vendor/seller details section using Zapier's vendor information.


For California and Louisiana, there are several acceptable forms. Zapier Support will inform you if the one you have is accepted when you submit your request.


Jurisdiction Form Name/Number
Alabama Form STE-1
Form 5000 - A specialized industry certificate may be presented instead of Form 5000.
Arkansas Form ST-391
California Various forms.
Colorado DR0160
CERT-119. Certificate for Purchases of Tangible Personal Property & Services by Qualifying Exempt Organizations.
District of Columbia FR-551
Florida DR-14
Georgia ST-5
Hawaii G-44A
Idaho ST-101
Illinois STAX-70
Indiana Form ST-105
Iowa Form 31-014
Kansas Form ST-28
Kentucky Form 51A126
Louisiana Various forms.
Maine ST-2
Maryland NONGOV-1
Massachusetts ST-2
Michigan Form 3372
Minnesota ST-3
Exemption certificates are not issued. Organizations that are exempt under MS law can request a letter to provide vendors to verify the organization's exempt status.
Form 149 or a letter of exemption issued by the Missouri Department of Revenue.
Nebraska Form 13
Letter of exemption issued by the Nevada Department of Taxation.
New Jersey ST-5
New Mexico NTTC
New York ST-119
North Carolina Form E-595E
North Dakota
Letter of exemption issued by the office of the State Tax Commissioner.
Certificate issued by the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
Pennsylvania REV-1220AS
Rhode Island
Certificate issued by the State of Rhode Island Division of Taxation.
South Carolina Form ST-8
South Dakota Form 2040
Certificate issued by the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue.
Texas Form 01-339
Utah Form TC-721 or TC-721G
Vermont Form S-3
Virginia Form ST-10
Washington Form 27 0032
West Virginia Form F0003
Wisconsin Form S-211
Wyoming Form F0003


3. Contact Support to request an exemption

Once you have your tax or VAT ID on your account and you have valid documentation for your jurisdiction, submit your information to Zapier Support using the tax exemption request form. Zapier Support will review your account and documentation, and get in touch with you.

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