Import and track conversions using LinkedIn Conversions on Zapier

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Beginning April 2, 2024, when you use the LinkedIn Conversions app in a Zap, action steps will not count toward your task usage. Learn more using LinkedIn Conversions for free on Zapier.

The LinkedIn Conversions API (CAPI)  is a conversion tracking tool that allows direct connection between marketing data from an advertiser’s server and LinkedIn. You can use the Send Conversions Event action to measure the performance of LinkedIn marketing campaigns, no matter where the conversions happen.

1. Create a conversion rule

Create a conversion rule in your LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

Zapier recommends starting the conversation rule name with CAPI to differentiate it from other conversion rule types you may have set up.

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  • Set your lookback window for a longer period to increase the chances of attributing more tracked conversions.
  • Associate your CAPI conversion rules to as many applicable campaigns as possible to maximize attribution and visibility.

2. Create a trigger

In your Zap, create a trigger using an app that will be your conversion source.

You’ll want to check that the fields contain the necessary information for your CAPI conversion rule.

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Your trigger data should at least return an email, first-party cookie ID, or first name and last name.

3. Create an action

  • In the Zap editor, click the Action step, or click the plus + icon to add an action to your Zap.
  • In the Change action dialog box, search for and select LinkedIn Conversions.
  • In the App & events section, click the Event dropdown menu and select Send Conversion Event.
  • Click Continue.
  • In the Account section, click Choose.
    • If you already have an account connected to Zapier for the action app, select the account from the dropdown menu.
    • If not, click + Connect a new account and connect your LinkedIn ad account to Zapier.
  • Click Continue.
  • In the Account dropdown field, select your ad account.
  • In the Conversion dropdown field, select your conversion rule.
  • Map the data from your trigger data into the remaining fields
  • Once you’ve completed all relevant fields, click Continue.
  • Click Test step. This will send a conversion event to your LinkedIn ad account.
  • If the test was successful, you can click Publish to turn your Zap on.

4. View conversion tracking and reporting metrics

Once your Zap is setup and published, you can view conversions tracking and reporting metrics in your LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

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