Transfer existing data using a spreadsheet

To bulk import data into your Zaps, you can do so by using a spreadsheet app. You only need to get your data into a spreadsheet format, like a CSV file.

This tutorial will show you how to achieve this with Tables or Google Sheets.


1. Export data into a spreadsheet file

Tables Google Sheets
  • Import data into Zapier Tables. You can do this with a CSV file, or import rows from Airtable or Google Sheets.
  • Once your data has been imported, click the + button to add a new column.
  • In the name field, enter “Send to Zapier”.

2. Setup the import data Zap

Tables Google Sheets

In your Table: 

  • Click the column Send to Zapier.
  • A new menu will be displayed. Click + Create Zap.
  • You’ll see your trigger prefilled in the Zap editor. This means your Zap will only trigger when the Send to Zapier column is updated.
  • Click Continue.
  • Next, set up the action. This will be the app you want to send the data to. 
  • Once you’ve finished setting up your action step, click Publish to turn the Zap on.

3. Send data to your desired app

Once your Zap is published, you can import your data into your desired app. You can do this by:

  • In your spreadsheet from step 1, in the column “Send to Zap” add text to trigger the Zap. Zapier recommends updating 100 rows every 20 minutes. 
  • Repeat this process until all rows have been updated.
miscEye icon Note

If you try to update more than 100 rows within a 20-minute period, you may get throttling errors when trying to update all rows simultaneously. 

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