Zapier Tables usage limits

Zapier Tables have specific limits that affect the number of tables, records, or fields you can create. Certain field types also have limits on how much information they can store.


Field-related limits

A field-related limit affects a specific field type. 

Field type Limit
Text 255 characters
Long Text 10,000 characters
Decimal 7 decimal digits
Link 2,048 characters

Learn more about table field types.


Plan-related limits

Each plan has specific limits to the number of tables in the account and the number of fields and records per table. You can increase the limits and use advanced features by upgrading to different Tables plans. Learn more about the specific limits for each paid plan

Learn more about how Zapier Tables works.


Advanced features

The following advanced features of Zapier Tables are only available with Zapier Tables' paid plans:



If an admin of a Teams or Enterprise Zapier plan purchases Tables as an add-on, it becomes available to all users on the account. In Teams or Enterprise accounts, you can share tables with other account members and create public sharing links by default. 

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