Trigger Zaps from weather forecasts

You can use The Weather to look for or trigger from weather conditions found in Open Weather

miscEye icon Note
Time and date fields are provided in UNIX time. You can convert these to different timestamp formats using the Formatter app. You must enter a latitude and longitude to use The Weather’s triggers and actions. You can use this latitude and longitude finder to look them up for your location. If you select Fahrenheit as your weather unit, The Weather returns all data in imperial units. If you select Celsius as your weather unit, The Weather returns all data in metric units.


Use The Weather to trigger a Zap

All triggers for The Weather app run once a day at 7AM and respect your account time zone.

Choose your app and event

  • In the Zap editor, click the Trigger step. A dialog box will open.
  • In the App & events tab, search for and select The Weather.
  • Click the Event dropdown menu and select the event that will trigger the Zap. 
  • Click Continue.

Set up your trigger

  • Enter the latitude and longitude of the location you want weather conditions for. 
  • If using the Is There A Frost Warning Today?, Will It Rain Today?, Or Today’s Forecast triggers, select a weather unit.
  • If using the Today’s Air Quality trigger, select an air quality threshold.
    • This will trigger for the selected air quality threshold, as well as any air quality thresholds that are worse.  


Use The Weather to search for weather conditions

Choose your app and event

  • In the Zap editor, click the Action step, or click the plus + icon to add an action to your Zap. A dialog box will open.
  • Search for and select The Weather.
  • Click the Event dropdown menu and select the action that you want your Zap to perform.

Set up your action

  • Enter the latitude and longitude of the location you want weather conditions for. 
  • If using the Get Current Weather or Today’s Weather Forecast action, select a weather unit.
  • Click Continue.
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