Different field types in Zapier Tables

Zapier Tables has different field types that provide features like formatting data or triggering Zaps. 


Field name Features
AI Field Generate content based on values of other table fields using AI. Available on Tables' paid plans.
Button Clickable buttons that trigger or continue Zaps.
Checkbox Clickable checkbox in a record. 

Format numbers as a specific currency.

Select from one of the available currencies, and if it should show decimals or not.

Date & Time Time and/or date field.
You can define the format and timezone for each field. 
Dropdown List of items that can be selected. You can create the list items or select a different table as the source.
Email Stores one valid email per record.
JSON Store and validate JSON-formatted content. 
Link Hyperlink or hypertext field. Limited to 2,048 characters.
Linked record A field that links to a record on a different table. 
Long text Open text field with multiple rows for text entry.
Limited to 10,000 characters.
Number Integer or decimal field.
Limited to 7 decimal digits.
Text Open text field with a single row for text entry.
Limited to 255 characters.
Phone number

Format numbers as phone numbers.

Select from one of the available formats.

Learn more about creating fields and working with Zapier Tables.

Provide feedback and get help

Submit a feature request, provide feedback on existing features, or get help from the Zapier Tables team. You can also discuss Tables with other users on Zapier's Early Access Program Slack.

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