Zapier Tables has different field types that provide features like formatting data or triggering Zaps.
Field name | Features |
AI Field | Generate content based on values of other table fields using AI. Available on Tables' paid plans. |
Button | Clickable buttons that trigger or continue Zaps. |
Checkbox | Clickable checkbox in a record. |
Currency |
Format numbers as a specific currency. Select from one of the available currencies, and if it should show decimals or not. |
Date & Time | Time and/or date field. You can define the format and timezone for each field. |
Dropdown | List of items that can be selected. You can create the list items or select a different table as the source. |
Stores one valid email per record. | |
JSON | Store and validate JSON-formatted content. |
Link | Hyperlink or hypertext field. Limited to 2,048 characters. |
Linked record | A field that links to a record on a different table. |
Long text | Open text field with multiple rows for text entry. Limited to 10,000 characters. |
Number | Integer or decimal field. Limited to 7 decimal digits. |
Text | Open text field with a single row for text entry. Limited to 255 characters. |
Phone number |
Format numbers as phone numbers. Select from one of the available formats. |
Learn more about creating fields and working with Zapier Tables.
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Submit a feature request, provide feedback on existing features, or get help from the Zapier Tables team. You can also discuss Tables with other users on Zapier's Early Access Program Slack.