Private apps are apps that are under active development, or created for private use on the Zapier Platform. Private apps are not available on Zapier’s App Directory, and can only be accessed by invite from the app developer.
Add a private app to your Zapier account
- The developer of the private app will share an invitation link directly with you.
- Click the link and accept the invitation.
- The app will now be available for use in your account and your Zaps.
Get help for a private app
As private apps are still in active development, Zapier cannot offer the same level of support that's available for public apps.
Zapier Support can:
- Help figure out if an issue or problem is Zapier-related or app-related.
- Help solve problems with public apps that may be part of the same Zap.
- Share logs and other technical details that you can pass on to the app developer.
Zapier Support can't:
- Fully diagnose technical issues related to a private app.
- Escalate issues or submit feature requests for the app.
- Keep track of specific requirements for setting up the integration.
Private apps rate limits are based on private app owner’s current Zapier plan.
If you are not sure if an issue lies with a private app, contact our support team.