Trigger Zaps from new parsed emails

Zapier University: Email Parser

Email Parser by Zapier allows you to send emails to a custom ""
address and extract any data for use later in a Zap. Before you can trigger from new emails received by this address, you’ll need to set up your mailbox and template. Once you’ve done that, read on to learn how to set up a Zap that runs every time an email is received at your new address.

1. Select your trigger app and action

  • In the Choose App field of the first step of your Zap, search for Email Parser by Zapier and select it.
  • Select New Email for the trigger event
  • Select Continue.

2. Connect your Email Parser account

  • Select Sign in to Email Parser by Zapier.
  • In the popup window, select Authorize to connect your account.
  • Select Continue.

3. Select the mailbox you want to monitor

  • Select a mailbox from the list.
  • Select Continue.

Any email sent to the email address of the mailbox you selected will cause this Zap to run.

4. Test your step

Select Find Email to tell Zapier to check for any emails in the mailbox.

If Zapier finds an email, your test is successful and you can continue. If there are no emails yet in the mailbox, send one to it and re-test this step.

miscEye icon Note

If an email contains more than one attachment, these will be shown as a zipped file.

Once you’ve set your trigger step you can continue by setting up your action. If you only want to run your Zap if certain data is present in the email, consider adding a filter. Once you finish and turn on your Zap, it will run every time a new email is received by the email address you set up.

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