Emails are parsed incorrectly in Zapier

Emails parsed with Zapier’s Email Parser may occasionally be parsed incorrectly. This problem can be identified by data from new parsed emails being labeled incorrectly in the Zap.

1. Report the parsed emails as “accurate” or “inaccurate”

  1. Log in to your Email Parser account.
  2. Click Mailboxes.
  3. Select a mailbox.
  4. Open an emails.
  5. At the bottom of the email, click to report it as inaccurate or accurate.

This will help to improve Zapier’s parsing algorithm for future emails.

2. Define extra parser templates

It's not possible to update the original template, but you can add new templates to help Zapier learn more about the format of the emails.

  1. Log in to your Email Parser account.
  2. Click Mailboxes.
  3. Select a mailbox.
  4. Open an email.
  5. At the bottom of the email, click Edit extra template.
  6. Set up the template by highlighting and labeling terms.
  7. Click Save Extra Template.

Every extra template you tag gives Zapier more data to work from.

3. Try different parser engines

  1. Log in to your Email Parser account.
  2. Click Mailboxes.
  3. Click the gear icon to edit the mailbox.
  4. Click the Parser Engine dropdown menu and select a different parser engine.
  5. Click Save Address and Template.

If your emails are still being parsed incorrectly, try these tips for improving parsing.

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