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This article covers the different spreadsheet-style formula functions you can use in the Formatter step in Zaps. Learn how to use spreadsheet-style formulas in Zaps.
Formula Functions
ABS(number) | Returns the absolute value of a number |
ACOS(number) | Returns the inverse cosine of a number |
ACOSH(number) | Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number |
AND(condition, [condition, …]) | Returns TRUE if all of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, otherwise FALSE |
ASIN(number) | Returns the inverse sine of a number |
ASINH(number) | Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number |
ATAN(number) | Returns the inverse tangent of a number |
ATAN2(x, y) | Returns the inverse tangent of a pair of x and y coordinates |
ATANH(number) | Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number |
AVERAGE(number, [number, …]) | Returns the average of a list of numbers |
CEILING(number, [factor]) | Returns a number rounded up to the nearest multiple of factor (e.g., CEILING(3.14159, 0.1) = 3.2 and CEILING(3.14159, 2) = 4) |
COS(number) |
Returns the cosine of a number
COSH(number) | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number |
DEGREES(radians) | Returns radians converted to a value in degrees |
EVEN(number) | Rounds a number up to the next even number |
EXP(number, power) | Returns the constant e raised to a power |
FACT(number) | Returns the factorial of a number |
FACTDOUBLE(number) | Returns the double factorial of a number |
FALSE() | Returns the logical value FALSE |
FLOOR(number, [factor]) | Returns a number rounded down to the nearest multiple of factor (e.g., FLOOR(3.14159, 0.1) = 3.1 and FLOOR(3.14159, 2) = 2) |
GCD(number, number, [number, …]) |
Returns the greatest common divisor of two or more numbers
GEOMEAN(number, [number, …]) | Returns the geometric mean of a list of numbers |
IF(condition, true_value, [false_value]) | Returns the true_value if the condition is TRUE or false_value if the condition is FALSE |
INT(number) | Returns a number rounded down to the previous integer |
ISBLANK(value) | Returns TRUE if a value is blank (empty); Otherwise, returns FALSE |
ISEVEN(value) | Returns TRUE if a value is an even number; Otherwise, returns FALSE. |
ISLOGICAL(value) | Returns TRUE if a value is a logical value; Otherwise, returns FALSE |
ISNONTEXT(value) | Returns TRUE if a value is NOT text; Otherwise, returns FALSE |
ISNUMBER(value) | Returns TRUE if a value is a number; Otherwise, returns FALSE |
ISODD(value) | Returns TRUE if a value is an odd number; Otherwise, returns FALSE |
ISTEXT(value) | Returns TRUE if a value is text; Otherwise, returns FALSE |
LCM(number, number, [number, …]) | Returns the least common multiple of two or more numbers |
LN(number) | Returns the natural logarithm of a number |
LOG(number, base) | Returns the logarithm of a number, to a specified base |
LOG10(number) | Returns the base 10 logarithm of a number |
MAX(number, [number, …]) | Returns the largest value from a list of numbers |
MEDIAN(number, [number, …]) | Returns the median (the middle value) of a list of numbers |
MIN(number, [number, …]) | Returns the smallest value from a list of numbers |
MOD(dividend, divisor) | Returns the remainder from a division between two numbers |
MODE(number, [number, …]) | Returns the mode (the most frequently occurring value) of a list of numbers |
NOT(condition) | Returns a logical value that is the opposite of a condition (ie. returns FALSE if condition is TRUE and returns TRUE if condition is FALSE) |
ODD(number) |
Returns a number rounded up to the next odd number
OR(condition, [condition, …]) | Returns TRUE if any of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, otherwise FALSE |
PI() | Returns the constant value of Pi |
POW(number, power) | Returns the result of a number raised to a power |
POWER(number, power) | Returns the result of a number raised to a power |
PRODUCT(number, [number, …]) | Returns the product of a list of numbers |
QUOTIENT(dividend, divisor) | Returns the integer portion of a division between two numbers |
RADIANS(degrees) | Returns degrees converted to a value in radians |
RAND() | Returns a random number between 0 and 1 |
RANDBETWEEN(min, max) | Returns a random number between two integers |
ROUND(number, [places]) | Returns a number rounded up or down (following standard rules) to a certain number of decimal places |
ROUNDDOWN(number, [places]) | Returns a number rounded up to a certain number of decimal places |
ROUNDUP(number, [places]) | Returns a number rounded up to a certain number of decimal places |
SIGN(number) | Returns the sign (+, -, 0) of a number |
SIN(number) | Returns the sine of a number |
SINH(number) | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number |
SQRT(number) | Returns the positive square root of a number |
SQRTPI(number) | Returns the square root of a number multiplied by the constant Pi |
SUM(number, [number, …]) | Returns the sum of a list of numbers |
TAN(number) | Returns the tangent of a number |
TANH(number) | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number |
TRUE() | Returns the logical value TRUE |
TRUNC(number, [places]) | Returns a number truncated to a certain number of significant digits by omitting less significant digits |
VALUE(text) | Returns the text converted to a numeric value |
Arithmetic operators
Negation | -A converts A to a negative number |
Percent | A% converts A to a percentage value by dividing it by 100 |
Exponentiation | A ^ B raises A number to the power of B |
Multiplication | A * B multiplies A by B |
Division | A / B divides A by B |
Addition | A + B adds B to A |
Subtraction | A - B subtracts B from A |
Concatenation | "A" & "B" concatenates the text value A and B into a single text value "AB" |
Comparison formulas
Equal | A = B is TRUE when A is equal to B |
Not Equal | A <> B is TRUE when A is not equal to B |
Greater Than | A > B is TRUE when A is greater than B |
Less Than | A < B is TRUE when A is less than B |
Greater Than or Equal | A >= B is TRUE when A is greater than or equal to B |
Less Than or Equal | A <= B is TRUE when A is less than or equal to B |
(1 + 2) / 4
POW(2, 4)
IF(ISEVEN(2), 100, 200)
ROUNDUP(1234.567 * 106%, 2)
IF(1 < 2, IF(3 = 3, "you did it!", 20), 30)
returnsyou did it!
100 * (VALUE("123" & "." & "01") + 7)