"New Order" Trigger is not triggering
This can happen sometimes if the trigger field for "Order Status" is set to "Unshipped".
If you receive a new Unshipped order and its status changes to Shipped before Zapier has had time to poll for new Unshipped orders, we'll miss it.
To fix this, you'll need to wait 5 or 15 minutes (depending on your Zapier plan's polling interval) after a new order has been marked as Unshipped before the order status can be changed to anything else.
Another fix here would be to change the "Order Status" trigger field to "Shipped" in your Zap. Assuming that this fits your workflow, the Shipped status is going to be more reliable since it is not a temporary status like Unshipped.
Customer information isn't available within the Zap editor
Due to restrictions with Amazon's API, it's not possible to access PII (personal) data from the Amazon platform such as email address, street address, phone number, etc. Amazon is currently limiting this personal data to certain apps that are considered to be first-party applications involved in the fulfilment of sales on their platform.
We do have this as a feature request to have this data available on Zapier, so if you wish to be added to this list contact support.