Tips for formatting Slack messages

You can format Slack messages in Zaps to add styling, user mentions, and channel and workspace notifications.



  • Bold text: wrap your text with asterisks (*).
  • Italic text: wrap your text with underscores (_).
  • Strikethrough text: wrap your text with tildes (~).


Inline code and blockquotes

  • Inline code blocks that are a single word or line: wrap your text with a single backtick (`).
    `inline code block`
  • For inline code blocks that are a block of text: wrap your text with three backticks.
    ```inline code block text block```
  • For blockquotes: start the blockquote with a closing angle bracket (>).



  • Ordered lists: type the number, a period (.), and a space before your text.
    1. ordered list
  • Bulleted lists: it's not possible to format bulleted lists in the same way it's done directly on Slack (using asterisks). However, you can mimic the formatting using the bullet point symbol () and a space before your text.
    • bulleted list



URL links are automatically hyperlinked in Slack without additional formatting.

To display link text instead of the URL:

  • Type an open angle bracket (<), your URL link, a pipe character (|), your link text, and a closing angle bracket.
    <|Link text>
ratingStar icon Tip

Link text will include spaces between words.


New lines

No special formatting is required. To add a new line, use the return (enter) key on your keyboard.

miscEye icon Note

You can enter only enter a single new line between lines of text. Two or more consecutive new lines are not supported.



  • Wrap the name of the emoji in colons (:).


Mentions and notifications

  • User mentions: type an open angle bracket, the at symbol (@), the user’s Slack member ID (see below how to find the member ID), and a closing angle bracket.
  • “Everyone” notification (notifies everyone in your workspace in the #general channel): type an open angle bracket, an exclamation point (!), “everyone”, and a closing angle bracket.
  • “Here” notification (notifies active members in a specific channel): type an open angle bracket, an exclamation point (!), “here”, and a closing angle bracket.
  • “User group” notification (notifies all members of a user group): type an open angle bracket, an exclamation point (!), type in “subteam” , a caret symbol (^), the user group ID (see below how to find the group ID), and a closing angle bracket.
ratingStar icon Tip

To find a user’s Slack member ID:

  • Select the user’s Slack profile.
  • Click More.
  • Copy the member ID by clicking Copy member ID and paste it into your Zap.

To find a user group ID:

  • Open Slack in your web browser.
  • Select People & user groups from the left-hand menu.
  • In the People window, select the User groups tab.
  • Select the user group you want to mention.
  • In the web page URL, copy the alphanumeric ID that follows /user_groups/. This is the user group ID.
miscEye icon Note

Your workspace may disable notifications or usage of @here and @everyone. Contact your Slack administrator to verify if notifications are enabled.

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