Getting Magento working with Zapier takes a few steps but luckily its just a bunch of clicks! Once you start with Zapier we'll eventually ask you to connect your Magento Account to Zapier, it will look something like this:
The first part is just a single popup asking for some more information. The top field is just a label that helps you identify which Account is which (this is very helpful if you manage multiple Magento installations!). The label doesn't have any affect on the actually connection.
The other three fields simply give us the information to get started. The full domain could be as simple as
. Basically, wherever you'd login as the admin will have the correct domain at the beginning.
For example, if your admin login page is
then you should use
How to get your Magento API key
The user and API key needs to be created by hand! More information if you read more below.
You'll need to create two things before you can give Zapier permission to access your Magento installation:
You can find them by logging in and inspecting your navigation bar.
If you continue on to create a SOAP/XML-RPC Role (your first step), just give it a handy name that you'll remember later!
On the left, choose Role Resources and select All from the drop down.
Pro tip: if you'd like to give more granular data you can select custom resource access one-by-one! This takes longer and is more complicated, so we recommend skipping that for now!
On the far right, click Save Role.
Now go back to the menu and create a new SOAP/XML-RPC User and give it some information, we like to use a standard username (so it is easy to remember) and use an application like this to generate secure API keys. Keep that code around, you'll need it in a second!
On the left, chose User Roles and select the SOAP/XML-RPC Role you made earlier.
On the far right, click Save User.
Finally, just enter the User and API key from the last step into the popup! Click continue.
Great job! Zapier should now test your Account to double check that the connection is in good shape! You can now continue creating your Zap.