Common Problems with Typeform

My Form responses stopped sending to the other app(s) in my Zap

Typeform questions are the key that is sent to Zapier, and the response is the value.

For example, this response here:

Looks like this in Zapier (task history/editor):

If you change the wording of your Typeform question after you've set up your Zap, you will want to go into your Zap and re-test the Typeform trigger to pull in some fresher data (with the newly worded questions). Then you will re-select these answers in the action steps of your Zap to "re-map" these form responses.

Some of the fields from my form are missing

If two questions in a Typeform form are exactly the same, we'll only receive the results for the last one that was filled out. You'll need to change the name of the field just slightly in Typeform so that we can tell the difference.

I'm seeing 1s or 0s as answers to my questions

Any field in Typeform that's set up using the "Yes/No" question type will show a 1 for yes and a 0 for no in Zapier.

If you want the Typeform data to appear in Zapier as a word or phrase rather than a number, try setting up your form so that it uses the multiple choice question type instead.

I'm missing answers to multiple choice questions

If you have a multiple choice question and it includes the "other" option:


you will have to map an additional field in order to make sure you capture responses that used that option.

Typeform treats it like a different response than those that used the given options. An easy way to figure out what you have to add is to take the regular response (from one of the given choices) and change the word "choice" to "other".

So if the sample data showed this (list_29962036_choice) you can paste this wherever you need it and it will create the field:

{% verbatim %} {{insert-zap-id-here__list_29962036_other}} {% endverbatim %}

You can find the Zap ID in your browser's address bar:


I'm not getting all the data from a multiple / Picture choice question:

For example, I have a multiple choice question that has 4 Options (One, Two, Three, Four)

TypeForm option One and Three

If you only answer 1 and 3 then do a test for the TypeForm Trigger,

the editor would only show those 2 options that can then be mapped to the Action template.

TypeForm option One and Three output

Now, if I choose all options then do a test for the Typeform Trigger

TypeForm option One, Two, Three, Four

Then all the fields should show up on when mapping the action template:

TypeForm option One, Two, Three, Four output

My Form isn't available in the dropdown for the New Entry trigger

If the form is on a Shared Workspace that is not owned by the user you've connected to Zapier, then you won't have access to it from the dropdown, even if you created the form on the Shared Workspace. However, there is a workaround. If you open the form and grab the string at the end of the URL, you can select Use A Custom Value and still have the form trigger the zap. For example, you can grab the end of the URL from here:

And set the trigger up like this:

Testing the form returns "Lorem ipsum dolor."

Check to make sure that your form has submissions. If it does not, please first submit a response to your form and test the trigger again. If you continue to see "Lorem ipsum dolor" returned when testing the trigger, please contact support.

The URL for a file upload isn't working

These URL's expire 24 hours after a form entry is submitted (which gives the Zap enough time to give the file to the action step/s). If you're setting up a new Zap and need to test the value of a file field, you'll want to make sure a fresh sample is pulled in for a recently submitted entry. Please be sure to also avoid introducing a Delay by Zapier step that will cause a delay of 24-hours or longer, as the following steps will not be able to access the URL after it has expired.

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