About Firebase's Integration
- Paid/versioned account: Their plans start from free, more info here: https://zapier.com/apps/firebase/pricing
- Partner’s Documentation: https://firebase.google.com/support
Connecting with Firebase

Currently, the integration supports only US-hosted databases. If your database is in a different region, please contact Zapier Support to request this feature.
To get started with Firebase on Zapier, connect your Firebase project/account to your Zap.
To find your Project's ID, please follow these steps:
- Visit your Firebase/Firestore Cloud Console: https://console.firebase.google.com.
- Copy the Project's ID, which is the line of text below the project's name.
Finally, you will be asked to give Zapier permission to access your account. Click Allow to continue.
If all details were entered correctly, your Firebase account will be successfully connected.