How to get started with Amazon S3 on Zapier

Connect to Amazon S3 on Zapier

Amazon S3 uses a custom authentication to authenticate your account on Zapier.


Before you connect to Zapier, you’ll need to have: 

  1. Add a bucket to your Amazon S3 account. 
  2. Add a new Zapier user via IAM with only permission to use Amazon S3 and give Zapier those AWS security credentials.

Add a bucket to Amazon S3

  1. In your AWS Dashboard, click the S3 logo.
  2. Check you are in the AWS region where you want to create the bucket.
  3. Click Create Bucket.

  1. Enter your Bucket Name. S3 bucket names must be unique across all AWS accounts in all the AWS Regions within a partition. Learn more about bucket naming rules.
  2. Scroll down the page. If you’re unsure which options to select, leave the default settings.
  3. Click Create bucket.

Add a Zapier as an IAM user

Add a new Zapier user via IAM (Identity and Access Management) with only permission to use Amazon S3 and give Zapier those AWS security credentials. The specific permissions you’ll need in the IAM policy depend on the tasks you want Zapier to perform with your Amazon S3 data

In addition to granting the appropriate IAM policy, you may also need to grant access at the bucket level. 

Learn more about:

actionEdit icon Example

This is a sample policy for a Zapier user with limited access. This policy allows Zapier to:

  • List all of your buckets.
  • View the contents of a specific bucket
  • Retrieve objects from a bucket.

This policy allows Zapier to trigger any new objects added to your S3 bucket. However, it does not grant permissions for any Amazon S3 actions that modify your data. 

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::EXAMPLE-BUCKET-NAME"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::EXAMPLE-BUCKET-NAME/*"


Required fields

  • AWS Access Key ID
  • AWS Secret Access Key

Optional field

  • Region
miscEye icon Note

If you see the error "The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint." this indicates that the incorrect region or no region has been selected when authenticating to Zapier. You must reconnect and select your region if it's not us-east-1.

About Amazon S3's app

Are self-hosted or cloud-hosted accounts supported? Cloud-hosted accounts only  
Is a paid Amazon S3 plan required? No View Amazon S3 plans.
Are any special account permissions required? Yes

You must have:

  1. Add a bucket to your Amazon S3 account. With global access.
  2. Add a new Zapier user via IAM with only permission to use S3 and give those AWS security credentials to Zapier.
Are there usage limits? Yes There's a 180-second timeout limit for uploading files by Zapier to Amazon S3.
Are there pagination limits? No  
Do trigger samples use real data from your account or generic data? Real trigger samples  
Are custom fields supported? No  
Do update actions overwrite or append to existing data? Overwrite existing data When you upload a file or create a text object using a key that already exists, it will overwrite the previous object with that key.
Is there any additional info? Yes S3 bucket names are case-sensitive. However, URLs are not. As a result, when using the New Bucket trigger, this may result in a URL not being provided if a bucket contains capital letters.
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