Data Size Limit on Content Field in "Create Item in Feed"
Zapier can only handle about 10kb of data in the Content field for the action "Create Item in Feed". If your data exceeds the 10kb limit, the task will error out. We've added a field to control what should happen in this case, you can set it to automatically truncate the data, or not truncate it and instead throw an error and stop the Zap.
Clearing out items in feed from testing
There currently isn't a way to edit your RSS feed and remove items. If you want to start with a fresh feed, simply change the feed URL. Also note that old entries will clear out if no items are added for 2 weeks.
Not all my RSS items are showing up
We only store the most recent 50 items in the feed. Also, all items are removed if no new items are added for 14 days.
My RSS feed from Craigslist isn't working
Unfortunately, Craigslist blocks connections to their RSS feed from servers like the ones that Zapier uses, so we won't be able to access Craigslist RSS feeds in a zap.
Continue button is grayed out when building my zap
Check the URL field to make sure there aren't any invalid characters. Only letters, numbers, and hyphens will be accepted. Spaces and other characters need to be removed.
I can't add an enclosure to my items
When setting up a Zap, the editor provides fields for "Media URL", "Media MIME Type", and "Media Length." Under the hood, these are actually used to create an enclosure, so if you want to provide a link to other media types besides audio files or images, you can use those three fields to do so.