How to Get Started With Github

The first thing you'll need to do is connect your Github Account to Zapier. After you sign up and start creating the Zap you want, Zapier will ask you to start the process:

Connect your Github account to Zapier

You can then give your Account a title or label, which is just for your convenience and helps you track multiple accounts. It doesn't have any affect on which Account you actually add to Zapier.

Label your Github account

The Github account that you are logged into will be displayed next asking you to confirm Zapier's access:

Confirm or reauthorize Zapier's access

You'll also be prompted for your password to continue.

Confirm or reauthorize Zapier's access

Finally, you'll be redirected back to Zapier and the Account will have been added and tested, if everything is good to go you'll see this:

Account added and tested

Now you can continue creating your Zap.

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