Common Problems with Basecamp 2

Basecamp 2 Calendar Event Missing End Date/Time

Basecamp 2 decided to remove the end date/time from their UI and ignore any submitted end date/time from the API and thus Zapier. Because of this, the end date/time field has been removed from Zapier.

Basecamp 2 seems to consider all calendar events are point events setting the start date/time and end date/time to the same start date/time value.

Zapier says I have no Projects

This usually indicates you're using the wrong version of Basecamp 2 on Zapier. We support two versions. Instead, you'll need to use Basecamp 3. 

Connection timed out

These are somewhat common for Basecamp 2. It might happen because you have a lot of data in your account or because Basecamp 2 is having temporary problems. You can check if there are any outages on our API Status Board, but sometimes ephemeral connection timeouts won't be shown.

The best solution here is to try and wait it out. If it's still happening consistently up to 24 hours, contact us and let us know.

access_token not found inside refresh_token response

This means your connection to Basecamp 2 has expired. It might be because you changed your password, Basecamp 2 reset their API keys, or something else. To fix this, go to your connected accounts in your settings and re-connect Basecamp 2.

"You seem to be using Basecamp Classic " Error Message

This indicates you're using the wrong version of Basecamp on Zapier. We support two versions. Instead, you'll need to use Basecamp 3. 

Cannot specify a Basecamp 2 Template

Right now, we don't support template selection when creating a Zap, so there won't be a way to use/select one.

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