What's the difference between "and" and "or" logic in filters and paths?

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When you need to set up multiple rules for your Filter or Paths step, you can use one of two types of logic:

  • And: your data must satisfy all of your rules.
  • Or: your data must satisfy at least one of your rules.

If you have an email with the subject "Urgent help needed by Monday" and the following setup:

Filter condition Will the Zap continue?
"Subject" field contains "Urgent" and "help" Yes - the subject contains both words.
"Subject" field contains "Elective" and "help" No - the subject only contains one word, not both.
"Subject" field contains "Urgent" or "help" Yes - the subject contains at least one of words.
"Subject" field contains "Elective" or "help" Yes - the subject contains at least one of the words.
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