How to Get Started with PostgreSQL

Connect to PostgreSQL on Zapier

PostgreSQL uses custom authentication to authenticate your account on Zapier. To connect to PostgreSQL, you’ll need to provide a static IP address listed below.  

Required authentication fields

  • Host: This is your database instance's IP address or hostname ( It must be accessible from outside your network. Note: localhost and are not valid. Make sure it is accessible from these IPs:
  • Port: 5432 is the default. Change it if you're using a non-standard port.
  • Database: This is the name of the database to read data from.
  • Schema: This is the schema inside PostgreSWL to search for tables.
  • Username: This is the username that will access the database. You should create a new Zapier-specific user with a limited permission scope.

Optional authentication fields

  • Password: This is the password of the database to read data from.
  • Enforce encryption: Select from the dropdown menu to enforce SSL/TTL for encrypting communication between Zapier and your database. 
  • SSL client certificate: Use if your server requires client validation for SSL.
  • SSL private key: Use if your server requires client validation for SSL.
  • SSL CA bundle: Use to provide a PEM-formatted certificate chain file. This is also known as a Certificate Authority (CA) file or CA Bundle.

About PostgreSQL's app

Are self-hosted or cloud-hosted accounts supported? Self-hosted and cloud-hosted accounts  
Is a paid PostgreSQL plan required? No  
Are any special account permissions required? Yes

You must allow Zapier to connect in:

  • Network
  • Server
  • PostgreSQL

Are there usage limits? N/A  
Are there pagination limits? N/A  
Do trigger samples use real data from your account or generic data? Real sample data  
Are custom fields supported? Yes  
Do update actions overwrite or append to existing data? Overwrite existing data  
Is there any additional info? Yes
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