What's the difference between Zapier for Enterprises and Zapier for Team?

The Zapier for Team plan includes:

  • Unlimited Zaps
  • Up to 25 users
  • SAML single sign-on (SSO)
  • Shared Zaps
  • Shared app connections
  • Multiple admins
  • Folder permissions

A Team account is ideal for small teams that need to share and collaborate on Zaps.

The Enterprise plan plan includes all of the above plus:

  • Unlimited teams: Instead of managing permissions for individual people, you can create groups of people called teams making it easy to manage. There is no limit on the number of teams you can create.
  • SAML single sign-on (SSO)
  • User provisioning
  • Domain insights
  • Account consolidation
  • Custom data retention
  • App restrictions
  • Live training with our Customer Success team
  • Super Admins 

An Enterprise plan is ideal for businesses where Zapier is used across multiple teams or with more advanced administrative needs.

Enterprise accounts give you more security, control, and support. An Enterprise account is the best way to manage your departments' Zaps in a single account. Think of a Team account as a collection of individuals, and an Enterprise account as a collection of teams.

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