Extract geographic data from phone number | Determines the city, country, and timezone a phone number belongs to. |
Identify business name and industry from website or email | Analyzes the domain in a URL or email address to summarize what the business is and what industry it belongs to. |
Create outline from text | Summarizes text into 3 bullet points. |
Analyze message sentiment | Analyzes a message and categorizes it as positive, negative, or neutral. |
Translate text | Translates text into any language. |
Classify job title by department category | Analyzes a job title and categorizes which department it belongs to. |
Create task from text | Creates a task for your to-do list from a text, email, or message. |
Summarize transcript | Creates a brief overview and main takeaways from a transcript. |
Create email reply | Drafts an email reply to a message. |
Draft sales email | Draft an email reply to a message in a sales tone of voice. |
Extract address | Analyzes text and extracts address fields. |
Classify email by content category | Analyzes an email and categorizes it by given type. |
Built-in templates in AI by Zapier
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