Zapier's refund policy will change on August 30, 2024

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This information was accurate at the time of publication. Please check out the latest product update notes for any updates or changes.

On August 30, 2024, Zapier subscriptions will no longer be refundable, subject to applicable local law.

We received feedback that the policy was confusing and could lead to inconsistent outcomes. Our updated policy sets clearer expectations for both Zapier and our customers by following industry standards. When you subscribe to Zapier, you're agreeing to pay for Zapier during your plan. In turn, Zapier agrees to provide products and services to you during your plan. This means if you decide to cancel your Zapier service, you still have access to the product until the end of that billing cycle. We will update the refund policy and our Terms of Service on August 30, 2024 to reflect this change.

Our refund policy page will continue displaying the current policy until August 30, 2024, when it will be archived and all information regarding cancellation will be available on the page Change or cancel your Zapier plan.

If you have any questions on the refund policy, reach out to our Support team.

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