You’re using the Send Prompt action and get the error message "[invalid_request_error] This is a chat model and not supported in the v1/completions endpoint. Did you mean to use v1/chat/completions?" when using either the OpenAI or ChatGPT app. This error happens when testing the Zap or if the Zap is turned on.
This can happen when you select an incorrect chat model that is not compatible with the OpenAI or ChatGPT app. The Send Prompt action uses the legacy OpenAI Completions API, which only supports 3 deprecated chat models.
How to fix it
To fix this:
- Go to the affected OpenAI step.
- In the Model dropdown menu, select one of the deprecated chat model alternatives:
- babbage-002
- davinci-002
- gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct
- Alternatively, if you do not want to use the deprecated chat model alternatives, use the ChatGPT app with either of these actions instead:
- Conversation
- Conversation with Assistant

Use the ChatGPT app, if you want to use any of these chat models: