Zapier Projects quick start guide


This feature is in alpha release and only available to invited participants. This feature is in active development and may change.

Use Projects to organize and view all of the workflows you create using Zapier’s automation-first tools.

Sales operations project with Zaps and canvas

Create a new project

Projects page with 3 projects displayed

  1. Go to the Projects page or click the Projects icon in the left sidebar of your account dashboard.
  2. In the upper right, click + Create. A dialog box will appear.
    • In the Title field, enter a name for your project.
    • (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of your project.
    • Click Create Project. The dialog box will close.
  3. Your new project will appear on the Projects page alongside any other existing projects.
  4. Select your project to open it. You will be redirected to your new project.
  5. (Optional) Use Canvas to diagram your project.
    • Click Create new canvas or Add existing canvas.
    • Your canvas will open in a new tab or window for editing.

Add assets to your project

An asset is any item you create using one of Zapier’s automation tools, like a Zap or a canvas. Adding assets to a project makes them easy to find and ensures they are shared with your project members.

Empty project page

Add a Zap

You can create a new Zap or add an existing one to your project.

  1. On the Projects page, select your project to open it.
  2. In the Assets section, click + Add. A dialog box will appear.
  3. Click Zap.
    • To create a new Zap, click Create Zap.
    • To add an existing Zap, click the Zap field, search for and select your Zap, then click + Add to Project.
  4. The dialog box will close and your Zap will appear in the Assets section.
  5. (Optional) Select your Zap to edit it.

Add a Canvas

Each project can have one canvas associated with it. If you did not add a canvas during project creation, you can create a new canvas or add an existing one.

  1. On the Projects page, select your project to open it.
  2. You will see the following options on the page:
    • Create new Canvas: a new canvas will appear on your Projects page. Click Open Canvas to edit it.
    • Add existing canvas: a new dialog box will appear. Click the Canvas field, then search for and select your canvas.
      • Click + Add to Project. The dialog box will close.
      • (Optional) Click Open Canvas to edit it.

Once a canvas is added to a project, you'll be able to access the project directly from the canvas and see the list of assets related to that project.

Project displayed in a canvas

Remove assets

You can remove assets at any time. You must remove all assets before you can delete a project.

  1. On the Projects page, select your project to open it.
  2. In the Assets section, next to the asset you want to remove, click the three dot icon to open the dropdown menu and click Remove from project.

Manage your project

In the top Assets tab, you can review key metrics for your project, as well as share, edit, or delete your project.

Metrics Share Edit or delete

Review key metrics

At the top of your project, you can review metrics for the assets in your project:

  • Tasks: number of tasks used by Zaps in the last 30 days.
  • Zap runs: number of Zap runs in the last 30 days.
  • Success rate: number of successful runs in the last 30 days divided by total runs.
  • Errors: errors encountered during Zap runs in the last 30 days.

Review project usage

In the top Zap Runs tab, you can review all Zap runs that have occurred in the last 30 days.

Zap runs view in a project


Size Permissions Delete Move

Size limits

  • You may create up to 200 projects in your Zapier account.
  • Each project can have up to:
    • 1,000 Zaps.
    • 1 Canvas.
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