Use URL parameters with directives and greetings


Zapier Chatbots is a beta product. It’s available for use, but still in active development and may change.

With a standalone chatbot, you can use URL parameters to pass information automatically to the chatbot. This information can be used in the greeting or the directive

URL parameters consist of two parts: 

  • Parameters you must insert in the chatbot public URL.
  • A code snippet you must add to the greeting or directive.


Build the URL

You can find the chatbot's URL at the top right corner of the chatbot screen. To build a URL with predefined URL parameters, you can use the following formula:

<url of your Chatbots page>?<first parameter>=<value to prepopulate>&<second parameter>=<value to prepopulate>

The first parameter needs to be connected to the URL by a ?, with its value connected by a =, and each subsequent parameter needs to be connected by an & and its value connected by a =.


Create a code snippet

Once the parameters are organized in your URL, you can add a code snippet to incorporate that information into the chatbot greeting or directive. This will allow the chatbot to retrieve that data during the conversation.

  1. In your Zapier Chatbots dashboard, click the name of the chatbot.
  2. In the Instructions tab, enter the following code snippet into the Directive or Greeting text field:  {{params.parameter|default:"default wording"}}.
  3. Edit the code snippet with the specific details of your URL parameters:
    • parameter: this is the name of the parameter you added to the URL.
    • default wording: replace it with a default text. The default text will be used instead if the field has no value. Keep the double quotation marks around the default wording.
  4. Click Save changes.


You can then share the URL you created with the parameters and when someone visits it, it will incorporate that information within the directive or the greeting.

Provide feedback and get help

Submit a feature request, provide feedback on existing features, or get help from the Zapier Chatbots team.

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