More time to fix Zaps that error

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This information was accurate at the time of publication. Please check out the latest product update notes for any updates or changes.

We understand how crucial it is to keep your Zaps running without interruptions. Now, Zapier will send your account owner an email notification if your Zap errors 95% of the time it runs and has run more than 20 times in the past 7 days.

Previously, your Zaps would turn off once this threshold was reached to prevent problems. But now, if your account is on a Team or Company plan, there's a grace period after you reach this threshold so you have time to fix things and keep your Zaps running smoothly.

  • Get email notifications when your Zap errors frequently: Whenever your Zaps are nearing deactivation, an email is sent to the account owner.
  • Enjoy a grace period: Company plan users get a 72-hour grace period and Team plan users get a 24-hour grace period before Zap deactivation.
  • This feature is automatically enabled: You do not have to do anything to get this feature. Accounts on Team and Company plans have this feature now!

Learn more about the error ratio grace period so you can stay ahead of issues and keep your workflows running smoothly.



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